TheYearbook of Tourism is the official database of tourism businesses in Italy.
Here you can find updated data from travel agencies, retailers, operators, accommodation providers, networks, airlines, navigation companies (cruises and ferries), General Sales Agency, technologies, networks, car rentals, representations and hotel chains, DMC, tourism organizations based in Italy.
Three levels of access:
- NOT REGISTERED User (free). It can display the following fields: company name, address, postcode, city, region and category of belonging.
- REGISTERED User (free). By opening the tabs, the following fields can be view: company name, address, postcode, city, region, telephone number, fax, email address, website, Facebook page, IATA number, category to which it belongs (etc.). Log in or register.
- Utente PREMIUM User (cost €300 + VAT). For a period of 12 months, you can access, view and extract data for commercial use: mailing, labels, faxing, statistical processing. The only data that cannot be extracted, but only viewed, are the names of the people and those relating to the Guarantee Fund.
Some examples of research:
- Index Book: the subdivision by category of belonging of all the companies present in the database and their total number.
- Regions: the territorial subdivision (by region) of travel agencies, retailers, operators and accommodation providers.
- Products/Countries: the subdivision by specialization of operators and accommodation providers.